Manage and view full detail of a single Customer here, including contacts, addresses, invoice statuses, attachments, payments, invoices, and transaction records.
This tab has the full detail of the Customer, including:
Customer's logo - Determined using the domain of the Customer's email address.
Customer Details - Click the edit button to make adjustments.
Invoice Status Pie Graph - This is breakdown of the status of all the Customer's Invoices.
Default Address - The Customer's default address, this is used as the shipping/billing address on the customer's Invoices
Primary Contact - The Customer's primary contact, some of these fields are available to use on Invoice Templates.
Attachments - View the attached files associated with the Customer.
Create, Edit, and Delete customer's contacts here.
Create, Edit, and Delete customer's addresses here.
View a list of all the Customer's Invoices here.
View a list of all the Customer's payments against Invoices here.
View a list of all the Customer's transactions creates as Journal Entries from the Invoices and Payments here.
Note: The Invoices, Payments, and Transactions tab have all of the normal actions and functionality associated with Tables within SoftLedger, such as filtering, saved views, exporting, etc.