Create, edit, and view Vendors from this page, as well as drill into individual Vendors to review their details.
Add/Edit Vendor
Enter all required fields and click submit. You can also click the down arrow next to the submit button and click 'Submit and New' to open a new blank Vendor to complete.
Note: On initial Vendor creation, you have the option to create an address and a contact. You may always create new addresses and contacts after initial creation.
The following fields are available for Vendors:
Name - The Vendor's name, this is used to reference the Vendor throughout the product.
Name on Check - The name to be printed on a check when paying Bills by check.
Account Number - Account number for this Vendor.
Email - The Vendor's email address.
Terms - Text field to enter any additional terms of this Vendor (e.g. Net 30 payment)
EIN/SSN - EIN/SSN used for 1099 purposes.
Track for 1099 - Toggle On to track this users Bills for 1099 values.
Default Currency - Enter a default currency that will populate on Documents when this Vendor is selected.
Default Expense Account - Expense Ledger Account number to be defaulted when this vendor is utilized when creating a Bill.
Default Date Due - Default number of days from the transaction date that the due date should populate to.
Inactive - Inactive Vendors will no longer be available to select in drop down lists. Note: Any previously created Documents (e.g. Bills/AP Credits/POs) with the inactive Vendor will still be included in tables and users can take actions against.
Contacts and Address - You can add multiple contacts and addresses associated with each vendor with the fields in view in the screenshot above (Begin entering the address in Line 1 and see suggestions to auto-complete address).
Vendor Table Actions
Edit - Update Vendor details.
Delete - Delete this Vendor (could fail if another object such as Journal Entries are using this).
Filters - Filter what appears in the table based on one or more fields available in the table.
Saved Views - You can create a set of filters that you would like to save to be able to quickly filter a table.
Column Selector - Hide and reveal extra columns and the number of rows visible in the table per page.
Export - Table data can be exported using the export button at the top of the table.
Details - Click the customer name to view the customer's detail Page. For more information see this article: Customer Details