Default Ledger Accounts are a convenience setting that pre-populate form fields in specific places to save the effort of re-selecting the same account every time you open a new Document (e.g. Invoice or Bill). Manage your default Ledger Accounts from Settings>Accounts.
Note: These are only default accounts, meaning you can always select a different account to the one selected here as the default on a per Document basis.
Default Account Options
Below is a list of the default Ledger Accounts options and the places within SoftLedger they can be used:
Accounts Receivable - Invoice Create/Edit - AR Account.
Invoice Line Item - Invoice Create/Edit - Line Item Ledger Account for description line items.
Bill Line Item - Items Create/Edit - Bill Line Item Account.
Invoice Line Item - Item Create/Edit - Invoice Line Item Account.
Inventory Asset - Item Create/Edit - Inventory Asset Account.
Cost of Goods Sold - Item Create/Edit - COGS Account.
Work in Process - Used for debit side of work in process Journals.
Accounts Payable - Bill Create/Edit - AP Account.
Bill Payment - Pay Bills
Cash Receipts
Create Cash Receipt - Cash Receipt Create/Edit - Ledger Account.
Unapplied Cash - Cash Receipt Create/Edit - Unapplied Cash Account.
Vendor Credits
Unapplied Credit - Vendor Credit Create/Edit - Unapplied Credit Account.
Purchase Orders
Inventory Accrual - PO Create/Edit - Inventory Accrual Account.
AP Intercompany Payable - Bill Create/Edit - AP Intercompany Payable Account.
AP Intercompany Receivable - Bill Create/Edit - AP Intercompany Receivable Account.
AR Intercompany Payable - Invoice Create/Edit - AR Intercompany Payable Account.
AR Intercompany Receivable - Invoice Create/Edit - AR Intercompany Receivable Account.
Financial Close
Default Tax Account - This is the Ledger Account used when applying a Tax Amount or Tax Code to an Invoice, Bill, Purchase Order, or Sales Order. This is the only Default Account that is required before creating Documents.